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Join us in serving our community!

We are recruiting new volunteers throughout the year. Serving as a volunteer for just 5 hours has the power to feed almost 70 families! Create a volunteer profile and download the new Feast of Justice volunteer app to begin. Scroll down to check our "volunteer opportunities" to learn more about our skills-based volunteer program. 

See our monthly newsletter to learn more about our volunteer program, or check out the volunteer handbook to learn more about our food justice programs ⸺ and how YOU can get involved.

FOJ Volunteer Handbook 2023.png

Volunteer Handbook

Want to volunteer with us but don't know where to start?

  1. Create a volunteer profile.

  2. Next, download the app "Vicnet" (linked below).
  3.  From Vicnet, you can see everything we have to offer, sign up for a shift, or receive messages from our organization about upcoming volunteer opportunities.

New folks are always welcome!

In order for us to serve the community we need over 400 volunteer hours each week. Our volunteers are local neighbors, partner congregation members, students and others seeking community service hours, guests of our programs, retirees through the RSVP program, and those seeking job skill development. We look for individuals to participate in direct services such as stocking shelves or distributing food, as well as with administrative tasks such as writing correspondence, data entry, communication support, and serving on our leadership committees.
Contact if you would like more information!

A brief volunteer orientation video
created by our Summer Youth Program 2021:
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